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Internet Access: AutoConfiguration
EasyConfig ADSL

Lightning products are well suited to simply access the Internet without PC configuration hassles. AutoConfiguration (TM) is our ultimate "Plug and Browse safely" achievement.

Do you know the nicest thing about all our extensive and broad featureset ?

You don't have to bother configuring them!

The default configuration, achieved through our "AutoConfiguration"  (TM) takes care of the hundreds of parameters and of six dozens applications and services implemented into our routers, firewalls and VPN gateways for you.

Just plug-in the PC and the modem as needed, see the corresponding lights become green, browse to the built-in web-server, configure the username, password and phone number (as needed) and start using the Internet safely and reliably is the ultimate user expertience our customers make every day.

The nice thing is that while the normal usage is deceively simple to configure, the power user will like the useful wizards, the networking expert is delighted with the broad and deep configuration and mamagement possibilities, while the security officers of Swiss banks are enjoying the splitted management of security and of network functions.

In fact, the MultiCom devices are the only secure networking devices offering such a broadly adapted user interface for each type of user, or... uses: the networking guru also appreciates to get the units up and running quickly without hassles !

"AutoConfiguration" and "Plug and Browse safely" are Trademarks of Lightning MultiCom SA.

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